Stay Mentally Healthy (SMH) Charity
We are a small charity comprised of individuals with a common passion, inspiring ambitions, and a big vision. We are here to support anyone who wants to learn the tools and develop the skills to stay mentally healthy and reach their full potential.
As a charity we run charitable projects by collaborating with other charitable organisations, to enable those in need to access our SEJ Process training and services in areas such as education, with veterans, and the homeless. In addition to this we work with like-minded organisations that align with our charity’s purposes to run Stay Mentally Healthy (SMH) events, to enable as many people as possible to access a variety of services to stay mentally healthy.

To enable and empower those who are socioeconomically disadvantaged, including individuals, businesses, and organisations to 'stay mentally healthy'.
Allowing more people to identify potential mental health concerns, and at the same time address them so they can reach their full potential.
We accomplish this primarily through the accredited, evidence-based, self-help Self Empowerment Journey (SEJ) Process and services. Alongside collaborating with like-minded organisations, where the emphasis is on self-help and prevention, and those organisations who seek to support veterans, the homeless, educational communities, and prisoners.
Our vision is to end mental health suffering for the socioeconomically disadvantaged.
With a move from reactive intervention to proactive self-help prevention, as we empower and enable everyone to stay mentally healthy, bringing forth equality and inclusion, and as a result enabling each to reach their full potential. By sharing the skills required to address difficult life situations in the moment they arise, preventing escalation and the need for intervention.
To provide wholistic support and self-help tools in synergy with other charitable and like-minded organisations to meet our vision of ending mental health suffering.

Our Values
How we approach our work, through service, and the sharing of our training and services, is representative of our ethos. With our core values being our guiding principles.
To understand and meet the needs of everyone in the whole community we must be compassionate, whilst demonstrating awareness, and kindness.
Being open, listening, including, and learning from everyone, is at the centre of everything we do. Collaborating with like-minded organisations and other organisations to provide holistic and inclusive services.
We demonstrate sound ethical values acting with honesty and integrity through all our relationships, services and training, whilst being both authentic and transparent.
We learn from our mistakes and we will never give up! We will continue to share our training and services to enable all to ‘stay mentally healthy’ with courage, determination, and conviction. Finding solutions to problems through our own use of the SEJ Process as a core skill.
We are open-minded in our approach and actions, delivery of our services, whilst continually developing our skills to ensure excellent practice.