Families - Lesson 3
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SEJ Training Downloads
Lesson Plan
The introduction, aims and objectives for Lesson 3
Lesson 3. Exercise 1. ‘Sitting in Silence Practice’
Lesson 3. Exercise 2. ‘Being Extraordinary’
‘Becoming Seekers of Truth National Youth Day’ – video by Sadhguru
N.B. This is not a religious teaching, it’s to inspire you to consider that whatever your beliefs/religion we are all ‘one’ when we access our Truth.
Additional Resources
A list of 3rd party websites to support you with your wellbeing.
A worksheet to use every time you do the Sitting in Silence Practice.
A list of useful tips to support you before you begin, during, and after your Sitting in Silence Practice.
All of the instructions to walk you through the "Sitting In Silence" practice.
This additional Video ‘Sitting in Silence Practice Instruction Video’ can be accessed to support you in developing this skill. The video has an open ending (time 4:40 minutes), students can finish when they feel to,
preferably continue for a further 11 minutes). https://vimeo.com/787632916/
The Gandhi Rap
This Rap inspires students in achieving their full potential from Truth.
Gandhi was once ordinary but went on to achieve extraordinary things.
N.B. This is not a religious teaching, it’s to inspire the audience to consider that whatever their beliefs/religion we are all ‘one’ when we access our Truth. It is inclusive in terms of the curriculum bringing together people from all diverse backgrounds.