The SEJ Process
"Self Empowerment is the realisation of the True Self beyond the mind. This realisation puts you in touch with a Self that is free of limitations, free of fearful thoughts and painful emotions, free to respond to life rather than react, free to reach your full potential. The Self Empowerment Journey - SEJ is a process that takes you to this realisation."
Jacqueline Mary Phillips
The SEJ Process is the only dedicated, accredited, Self Empowerment Process with qualified practice support, and a 100% focus on a physiological and psychological shift within just one session!
What is the SEJ Process?
A guided self-help 'Self Empowerment' Process offered with outstanding success for 27 years!
Born out of Mary's own personal mental health struggles. She has been depression free for over 27 years!
A solution to overcoming mild to moderate mental health issues, and early childhood trauma and flashbacks without re-traumatisation, dissolving the trauma response.
A guided self-help process that addresses long waiting lists, issues of stigma and the need for intervention.
Fast and effective, often resolving issues in a single session.
Accredited by CPD UK. A conscious and proactive programme.
Successful with 90% of participants reaching empowerment after just one training event.
Works in all areas of life and all situations in the moment an issue arises, preventing
escalation of the problem. Read some of our amazing testimonials.
A simple easy to use 4 step process, used with children as young as 7:
By Step 2 of the process the practitioner is at a state of physiological and psychological ease.
By Step 4 the practitioner has dissolved limiting patterns of behaviour and thought and is empowered to reach their full potential.
The SEJ Process works because it is not a therapy, you are your own therapist! It is a solution focused, guided self-help process of personal empowerment which lends itself to the issues faced by the individual. It can be practised anytime, anywhere with any situation.
What does the SEJ Process help with?
It is difficult to create a comprehensive list of every life situation we can help with, however we have listed some examples below:
Depression, anxiety, addictions, sexual identity, abuse, PTSD, trauma, stress, bullying, bereavement, relationships issues, financial worries, health concerns. The nature of the process lends itself to your own life situations, limiting thoughts, beliefs and emotions.
Where can I learn the SEJ Process?
We have clients from all over the world and from all backgrounds, from the armed forces, police, solicitors, parents, carers, clergy, sports professionals, educators, students and more. You can learn the SEJ Process via a Hub or event: on-demand (home learning), online or live events, or visit a SEJ Consultant for a 1-1 session.
Can I access the SEJ in my organisation?
Our events and services are used by education and corporate organisations who wish to address the gap in mental health provision. Thereby satisfying their duty of care, and bringing joy back into the workplace, as their workforce work to their own unique and full potential.
How are the SEJ Process and services different to traditional therapy?
Our 'Stay Mentally Healthy' Hubs and independent SEJ Consultants and Trainers specialise in personal empowerment, self-help, and reaching your true potential in every moment instead of traditional long-term mental health support, management or coping strategies.
Before coming to the SEJ many of our clients had tried numerous therapies (as did Mary) but with little to no result. Our focus is on immediate and sustained relief from fearful and limiting thoughts and painful emotions with no counselling or cognitive therapy.
We find out what you want to achieve and work with you to achieve it. The nature of the SEJ is such that it lends itself to your unique situation.
The SEJ through personal responsibility enables you to manage yourself no matter what life brings your way. Once you learn how to manage yourself you will be able to manage your life, indeed not just manage but live it fully!
This simple to use process can be used any where any time and produces measurable results every time you use it.
The SEJ Process ultimately will move from something you do to a way of life. Like learning to drive, at first you need to learn how to use the gear stick, clutch etc, but soon enough without thinking it becomes a natural thing, the same will happen with the SEJ.
It is a team effort we show you how to end your suffering, you do the process. Like going to the gym, your gym instructor cannot do the work for you, it will only work if you do what they recommend, but what they recommend is tried and tested, and the programme they put together is specific to your needs. That's the deal, we offer the same programme. We are here every step of the way to guide and support you, see Hubs Drop-in for 'Stay Mentally Healthy' Plan to start your Self Empowerment Journey.
Our SEJ Consultants and Trainers have been trained to guide you through this easy to use framework of self-enquiry, with ongoing support to provide guidance, the opportunity to seek practice corrections, and answer questions without the need to book an appointment, just turn up to one of our SEJ Practice Workshops or join as a member to access additional resources.
As a social enterprise organisation it is essential to our mission that all our services are accessible, we therefore offer many of the events for free, pay what you want (PWYW), or for a small fee covering our essential costs. Joining as a member enables us to continue our work and is the cheapest option for attending the SEJ Practice Workshops.
Professional qualifications are available for those looking to become a SEJ Consultant and SEJ Trainer. The SEJ Process can be integrated into traditional therapeutic practices thereby enhancing results.
How does the SEJ Process work?
The SEJ Process is a guided self-help, evidence-based, psychoeducational, solution focused process of self-enquiry. It allows you to discover deep truths and transformative insights that can significantly influence your life choices. By engaging with the SEJ Process, you connect with the inner solutions you already have, broadening your perspective to encompass profound and transformative realisations. This process involves four simple steps that, when applied to a specific issue, help you view your challenges from a fresh angle, empowering you to break free from old habits and take inspired, positive action.
The SEJ Process can be accessed through a one to one session or learnt through our various events and workshops. The approach and application of the SEJ Process is both innovative, immediate, and life changing. It ends the need for external intervention and repeat therapy sessions. If a SEJ Consultant is employed (usually as an intervention) one to three sessions is often all that is needed to resolve issues. The effectiveness and immediate nature of the SEJ Process has been backed by research over many years.
Through the SEJ Process training the participant learns firstly to understand and become aware of their own mental health, in particular their physiological and psychological suffering, and their own personal triggers to suffering (minus any trauma response). They then learn a simple framework of self-enquiry consisting of just 4 steps laid out in a worksheet. By step 4 the student is at a point of physiological and psychological ease, and has overcome limiting beliefs and behaviours, enabling them to know the best course of action to take and as a result are able to reach their full potential. Independent research shows 90.3% of participants experienced a significant difference to their mental health after just one SEJ session.
At an SEJ Process training event we share how to complete the worksheet, and delve into the theory behind it, although learning the theory is not essential to its success. To ensure continued practice we offer live weekly SEJ Practice Workshops where participants can ask questions, receive practice corrections and share their successes.
How does the SEJ Process compare to cognitive therapy?
The SEJ Process first and foremost is a guided self-help tool and not a therapy. It offers much more than the traditional cognitive approach to therapy, which helps the client to see how their thoughts and feelings determine their unhelpful behaviours. Although this understanding is accurate and plays a role in the SEJ Process, crucially the SEJ Process goes a vital step further.
Enabling the practitioner to go beyond just 'seeing' why they have unhelpful behaviours, the process allows the client to change these behaviours, as they learn how to dis-identify from unhelpful, intrusive, limiting, and sometimes destructive thoughts. It is the ability to dis-identify from the mind that brings instant results, dissolving limiting beliefs and behaviours, with notable immediate physiological and psychological change. This results in the practitioner being able to bounce back quickly, reach their full potential moment to moment and self-manage no matter what life brings their way.
The SEJ Process answers this statement:
"Don't just tell me not to listen to my thoughts, tell me how to not listen to my thoughts".
This statement was made by a 15 year old who was visibly shaking with fear, overwhelmed by a life event, deeply distressed and unable to function. Within moments of doing the SEJ Process (with the support of a parent who had learned the SEJ) they were in a place of ease, a significant physiological and psychological shift occurred enabling them to take positive action, leaving them feeling both empowered and able to reach their full potential.
Why is the SEJ Process the answer?
The SEJ Process is both life changing and actively saves lives.
If everyone, from students, educators, parents/carers, to employers, and employees were to learn the SEJ Process their ability to consciously communicate with themselves and others would be greatly enhanced. Far too many times educators, employees, and families have said they don't know what to say or do to help their students, colleagues, and loved ones. They know that any help needs to be immediate to stop any escalation of the problem and seriousness of the situation. In addition those put in a position to support e.g. educators often don't know how to help themselves with many leaving the profession due to stress and lack of support.
When and if referrals are made the waiting times serve only to exasperate the problem, for others, tragically even if they do get help it comes all too often far too late. Many still, who seek external intervention, can't access mental health support because they don't meet the criteria and often can't afford private intervention. More still won't even ask for help for various reasons from stigma to difficult or unhelpful past experiences. We have learned from years of research that people want to learn how to empower themselves.
The SEJ Process addresses these challenges with a collaborative and holistic approach to mental health. With our SMH Hubs in local communities, educational settings, and organisations, we can work together to combat the mental health crisis and create a mentally healthy world that is able to reach its full potential.

Why a Self Empowerment Process is important
One third of students report feeling depressed or lonely while nearly half of students with a mental health condition do not disclose it to their universities. (i)
Research indicates that 12.7% of all sickness absence days in the UK can be attributed to mental health conditions, with stress among them. (RedCross) (ii)
Approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. (Mind) (iii)
Why choose the SEJ Process?

Supported by research
and CPD approved
Dr. Mariko Howard-Kishi Head of Research and an advocate of the SEJ in education provides ongoing
research and data for review.

Collaborative Mental Health Process
A collaborative process and culture develops positive mental health enabling everyone to reach their full potential.

Expert training with professional qualifications enables you to become your own SEJ expert and at the same time help others.