Families- Lesson 6
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To access the lesson downloads please click on the buttons below.
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SEJ Training Downloads
Lesson Plan
The introduction, aims and objectives for Lesson 6
Lesson 6. Exercise 1. The SEJ Worksheet Part 2 Step 3
Lesson 6. The SEJ Worksheet Step 3 Example
Lesson 6. Exercise 2. The SEJ Worksheet Part 2 Step 4
Lesson 6. The SEJ Worksheet Step 4 Example
The SEJ Worksheet Template to print off and use.
Steps 1 - 4 of SEJ Worksheet Example
Additional Resources
A list of 3rd party websites to support you with your wellbeing.
FAQs to answer questions you may have about your practice of the SEJ process
Useful tips of dos and Don’ts when completing the SEJ Worksheet.
All of the instructions to walk you through the "Sitting In Silence" practice.
A worksheet to use every time you do the Sitting in Silence Practice.
A list of useful tips to support you before you begin, during, and after your Sitting in Silence Practice.
The Vibrational Emotional Scale will support you in understanding the vibration of emotions when doing the SEJ and completing an SEJ Worksheet.
Examples of physical sensations to support you with this lesson.
This is a list of collective thoughts believed, to give you awareness of the sort of thoughts that can lead to stress and psychological suffering.
John Lennon's quote "When I was 5 years old...." for display on fridge, in your room.